RCC Euchre Party
Looking for 40 people that would like to get together, play Euchre and meet other RCC members.
When: March 22nd , Saturday, 10:30am – 3:30pm
Where: Trinity Emanuel Lutheran Church, 761 Elmgrove Road
Rochester, NY 14624 (monthly club meeting location)
Euchre Party, Social get together. Please bring a dish to pass to share with the group.Items could be chips, dip, veggies, chili etc. You need to supply your own beverages. The Church prefers not to have alcohol onsite.
Order of Events:
Doors will open at 10:30am.
We will eat around 11:00am.
Cards to follow at noon until approximately 3:00pm - 4:00pm.
Prizes to be awarded after last game is played.
If your spouse / partner does not play Euchre but would like to attend, they are more than welcome. Would be great to have pairs of players. (you & spouse, you & friend etc) Maximum will be 40 people that will commit to play cards. There will be $10 per person cost to those playing Euchre. $5 for prizes and $5 going to our 2025 charity, Meg's Gift.
Apologize for limiting the number of players. If you have questions, contact me Doug Rigerman, my contact info can be found in the Member Roster.
You must register and pay online with your credit / debit card to play Euchre. No refunds.